About us

    In the second half of the 2000s, a hydraulic engineer with a working experience of 22 years started a new company, today known as Inseneribüroo Urmas Nugin OÜ. Urmas (CEO) included young and progressive specialists to his company, who are offering quality services in spatial planning, landscape design, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, land amelioration and 3D modeling. Today Urmas and his team can be found at Tähe street in Tartu, Estonia, but our services have also reached beyond the border of our country and we are working to widen our range even further.

    We are innovative, experienced and offer a professional service!

    Our quality policy

    When making a price offer to our clients, our main consideration is that the work we do, will be high quality. Quality is what matters the most.


    We create the environment that we live in. Therefore everything we do, we also do to ourselves. That is the perspective that we are known for and what we stand by.


    We are always seeking to find the best solutions for our clients. With our experienced partners we solve every problem necessary to reach the goals.

    Building design engineering company Urmas Nugin OÜ

    Our team

    Our crew is put together from people with different professional background, but the work we are doing, is often complex and thus we work on our projects as a team. While working on smaller proposals, our team consists of three members: project manager, engineer/designer and landscape architect/planner. When the projects are bigger, we include more people with respective competence, which is why we are capable of creating various different solutions according to what we are specifically working on. So if you have an idea and you need a consolidated and efficient team to realize it – You have found it!

    Constant progress

    Having professionals from various fields, we ensure constant complementation of each other. Our experienced professionals are role models for younger and the young professionals are inventive and aware of the new technologies and trends in Estonia and abroad. This is what ensures the sustainability of our company. We are honored to be at your service!